Monday, December 28, 2009

home is.

I'm back to the snow and cold of the Midwest united states. I already miss London terribly. I know I will back to that city someday. Now its time to enjoy the holidays and see friends and family. I'm hanging around this quiet city until I find an apartment in Minneapolis and start classes on the 21st of January.

Monday, December 21, 2009

final goodbyes.

Its come to en end, my time in London is wrapping up. I went out to the Red Lion for a few drinks with some friends and said some final goodbyes. More like a good bye for now, I know I will be back and see them again. I loved London and really enjoyed my time here. I see myself moving into a bigger city in the future or holding a position in a company where I get to travel. I hope my work for Article 13 gives me a good recommendation for the future when I may be looking for a position in London. I know I will have them on future resumes and have connections based in London.

So tomorrow I leave, get on my plane at 7pm and fly to Toronto have a night in the airport and fly to Minneapolis. Scheduled to arrive back in Minneapolis at 10:30am. I hope the weather is good and I get no delays. There have been delays all over the UK due to snow and bad weather, its more to the north so I should be fine. OK, be home soon.

Friday, December 18, 2009

trip to Bath Spa.

I stole this picture form Jillian of the three of us on our two day excursion out of London. I have some great memories and good laughs from this trip.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

final campaign.

we have finished up our Apple ic Campaign and turned it all in, I think it came out pretty nice. I liked what we have done for it and our seminar teachers liked our concept for it a lot. He was really into our ideas of a mysterious superheros based campaign. here are a few shots of the finals.

trips in the UK.

pulteney bridge
Mike and Jillian
Roman Baths


Its been a wild adventure, from back packing Europe to living a semester in London. I have done so much while here. I just got back from a two night bus trip to Bath spa. Bath is know for its Roman baths located in the town center. Its small town with a university about three hours away from London. We stayed in the backpackers hostel right near the town center, it took us about ten minutes to walk across the town and see the major sights, but it was nice and relaxing to get out of London and see the countryside of the UK. Bath has some of the finest architectural in Europe such as the royal crescent, the circus and pulteney bridge. Of course we checked out the thermal spas and toured the museum with the history on it. It was very relaxed and casual, a change from london life. Our trip back consisted of breaking down once, waiting a hour for a new bus, snow falling on the motor way the whole way home and getting back to freezing temperatures. Sounds a lot like Wisconsin, where I will be back to in six days.

Monday, December 7, 2009

buyer behavior campaign.

This is what our final campaign came out as for my buyer behavior course, we are proposing the idea of raising pencisl in grade schools as a competition to raise money. There were just a few posters i mocked up for it. We have to present the campaign on friday. Firday is also my last day at LCC.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

apple iC

making progress on our Apple iC campaign and laying out some ideas for some print Ad's. The creative brief is at about 20 pages and Abbey is making an animation. Its coming along nicely and is due Friday! My time in London is almost done.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

london to paris.

Went to the screening of London to Paris tonight behind the Trumen Brewery building on Brick lane. The location for the screening could not have been any better, it was the old loading dock for the warehouse and had plenty of space for some bikers to throw down some tricks. They also had some free food and red bull, what a deal. There was a good 200 people who turned up for the screening of the film that featured a few locals from London. The biking community here is amazing, so many kids involved and everyone helping out to get events like this together. The documentary was pretty good, it has some alright production. it was more just inspiration and made me want to get on my bike so bad.

Is took these two images off London fixed gears blog (londonfixedgear)to show how cool the set up was at the screening. They had three bikes hooked up to generators to produce the electricity needed to power the laptop and projector for the film. Such a good idea. The image below is from behind the venue and shows how many people turned up for it even though it was about 5 degrees Celsius.

last thing.

Here is something I never thought I would see in my indesign for! Its my final project for Resource Management, a wonderful document filled with account management, margins of safety, random ratios and investment planning. Never doing math again. I'm glad this project is done and over with.


If i could trow some wood grain on just about everything I would be content.

quick ideas

I mocked this poster up for my buyer behavior class for a presentation later this week. Needs some work, but its something done in a few hours to get some ideas flowing.
